Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund
The Centre for Oresund Region Studies and the Center for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen - Lund have many overlapping research areas. The Centre for Oresund Region Studies is available as a resource at the Center for Scandinavian Studies Network Page.
The Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS) is an organization founded in 2010 and based on a collaboration between the Institute for Nordic Studies and Linguistics (Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab [INSS]) at the University of Copenhagen and The Centre for Languages and Literature (Språk- och litteraturcentrum [SOL]) at Lund University.
In contrast to a physical academic institution, CSS has the character of a network, through which a variety of educational and research centres (in and outside the Nordic countries) may collaborate via a permanent administrative base in Lund and Copenhagen. The long-term goal of CSS is to become a world leader in research and advanced education in the field of Scandinavian or Nordic culture.
You can read more at CSS's homepage.
iwcss [dot] administrators [at] sol [dot] lu [dot] se (iwcss[dot]administrators[at]sol[dot]lu[dot]se)