The changing meanings of borders in times of rebordering
The case of the Öresund region
Tuesday March 28, 2023
14.30-15.30 CEST
Christophe Sohn, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) gave a presentation, followed by a discussion with William Kutz and questions from participants. You can watch the recording of the seminar by clicking on the video, above.
This presentation investigates the extent to which the reintroduction of temporary border controls between Sweden and Denmark since 2015 has changed the meaning cross-border cooperation stakeholders give to the national border crossing the Öresund region. In order to identify ideational shifts in the mindset of cross-border cooperation actors, the multiplicity of meanings concerning borders is captured according to a relational perspective using semantic network analysis. The comparative analysis of actors’ collective mental representations of the border in 2014 and 2021, collected via interviews, allows to show the impact of rebordering shocks.
This is the first seminar of the series Dwelling, elsewhere: Comparative-methodological perspectives on the spaces and cultures of inhabitation in borderlands, arranged by William Kutz and the Borderland Working Group. For more information about the Borderland Working Group or to join the mailing list, please write to William Kutz at william [dot] kutz [at] cors [dot] lu [dot] se (william[dot]kutz[at]cors[dot]lu[dot]se).